Course title: FOOD ANALYSIS I
Semester: 3 / Winter
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 30 hours
Field of study: Food Technology and Human Nutrition
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: optional
Prerequisites: Inorganic and organic chemistry, mathematics, physics
Contact person: prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Tajner-Czopek
Short description: he aim of the subject is to acquaint students with the material of the food analysis. The lectures include topics relating to sensory analysis and organoleptic evaluation, food quality, standardization, as well as techniques for the determination of selected chemical components (tj.: water, starch, protein) and quality characteristics of food. At the laboratory exercises, students have the opportunity to assess the quality of selected raw materials and food products, the determination of the physicochemical properties of the foods, using appropriate methods.
Full description: Knowledge of laboratory equipment: glassware, reagents, and apparatus. Acquainted with the concepts of sensory analysis, organoleptic evaluation, quality and standardization. Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of selected food products. Techniques for determination of selected chemical components and quality characteristics of food using suitable equipment.
Bibliography: 1. Tajner-Czopek A., Kita A.: Analiza żywności – jakość produktów spożywczych” Wydawnictwo A.R. Wrocław 2005. 2. Baryłko-Pikielna N., Matuszewska I.: „Sensoryczne badania żywności”. Podstawy-Metody-Zastosowania. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PTTŻ, Kraków 2014. 3. Pomeranz Y., Meloan C.E. Food Analysis – Theory and practise. (3-ed). Chapman & Hall, New York, London 1994. 4. Bączkowicz M., Fortuna T., Juszczak L., Sobolewska-Zielińska J.: Podstawy analizy i oceny jakości żywności. Skrypt do ćwiczeń pod redakcją Teresy Fortuny. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie 2011. 5. Czasopisma: „Food Quality and Preference”. “Food Chemistry”.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: in an advanced level facts and concepts of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, mathematics, physics adapted to the direction of food technology and human nutrition/ Oral answer, Test, Colloquia, Exam/ NT_P6S_WG01 in an advanced level the issues related to the properties of raw materials and products of plant and animal origin/ Oral answer, Test, Colloquia, Exam/ NT_P6S_WG03 techniques and methods used in food processing processes/ Oral answer, Test, Colloquia, Exam/ NT_P6S_WG07 basic techniques of food analysis (physicochemical, microbiological, toxicological, sensory) and the principles of food standardization/ Oral answer, Test, Colloquia, Exam/ NT_P6S_WG012 Skills: is able to apply appropriate physical, chemical, biological and sensory techniques using laboratory equipment and control and measurement apparatus used in food analysis and to prepare and interpret the obtained results/ Observation of the work on the laboratory exercises Test/ NT_P6S_UW02 is able to interpret physicochemical and biological phenomena occurring during processing and storage of raw materials and food products/ Evaluation of the correctness of the conducted analyses/ NT_P6S_UW03 Social: critical assessment of their knowledge and skills, is aware of the progress and developments in the disciplines of food technology and human nutrition/ Observation of the team work/ NT_P6S_KK01 to demonstrate an active attitude and use of knowledge to address different challenges in food technology and human nutrition/ Observation of the team work/ NT_P6S_KK02
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: grade obtained at classes (45%) + grade obtained at lectures (55%)

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